In the globalization, Indonesia becomes one of developing country, its people are very apprehensive with technology, which is already familiar with them, especially with the technology of telecommunication and information. Nowadays, there are new media of communication can be used everywhere.
It’s a kind of medium of communication that no needs cable such as conventional telephone, this medium of communication needs a transmission to operate it. This medium of communication is called a mobile phone.
The technology of mobile phone comes from other countries such as from Germany, Sweden, Japan, and others. They also provide a manual book printed in English to guide the user. Fortunately, they also translated in to Bahasa Indonesia in order to ease Indonesian user.
Sometime, the translation becomes a big problem too because the message of the source language are not clear enough to understand. It is caused by human factors, such as the translators are not capable in converting source language into target language. To get a good translation, there are some conditions that should be comprehended by a translator. According to Rachel Owens in her book ‘The Translator’s Handbook’ (1996:28-29) a good translator is:
1. Bright and quick on the uptake; translation is very demanding job in that you need to have mastered at least one foreign language and have a good knowledge of several specialist areas. Translation is a job for intelligent people.
2. Inquisitive and Alert; translator need an inquiring mind since they must fully understand what is going on in the source text no just what is being said but also the argument being put forward, the point being made, the reason why the text was written in the first place.
3. Full of Initiative; initiative is doing things of your own bat, seeing that something is wrong, needs doing. Moreover, doing something about it yourself rather than waiting for someone else to point it out and tell you how to go about. It is a very important quality in translation as is the mark of someone that will ensure that something is right and well get things done.
4. Gifted with flair with Language; flair is to write concise, easy to read language for assembly manuals, instruction leaflets and so on.
5. Flexible; the ability to write in different styles for different clients and different text.
6. Motivated; translators have to enjoy translating. They need to be able to cope with can be dull and do it well. They have to get a kick out of taking on a piece, getting on top of it and turning out a well-written translation.
Based on the information above the writer is interested very much in analyzing the translation of the owner’s guide of SAMSUNG SGH-X620.in translation or doing translation, the translators must consider many factors. One of the factors that must be considered is language, whether the language is a formal language, or perhaps a non-formal one. And also that must be considered about the translation itself; is the translation good based on the theory of translation.
Besides, the writer can also find another factors, the translation must be equivalent to the grammar in the target language. Have the source language and the target language an equivalent meaning and goal. Or, how is the transformation or the translation procedures carried out in the translation? Based on the fact mentioned above, the writer has to compare between the target language text and source language text. To find the problem such as expression; it integrated digital music player, recorder and stereo FM radio lets you listen to music on the go translated, pemutar musik, perekam dan radio FM stereo yang terintegrasi di dalamnya akan membuat anda terbuai oleh musik yang sedang popular. (Owner’s guide SAMSUNG SGH-X620, P i). in those source language sentences, there’s no word ‘populer’, but the writer found it in the translation. Here there is modulation in that translation. The words ‘on the go’ translated into ‘sedang populer’ in bahasa Indonesia. The modulation that use, on the go- yang sedang populer it doesn’t effective, because the user doesn’t always hear popular music. The writer suggests that the modulation like on the go-setiap saat. This modulation helps the readers understand that they can easily hear music anytime they want. Another example, your SAMSUNG menu map translated to peta menu SAMSUNG. In the translation, there is no indication belonging to but in the source language sentence we can find one.
The translation was having an omission in the word ‘your’. Let us help you learn about your new SAMSUNG phone translated perkenankan kami membantu anda mempelajari telepon SAMSUNG. The omission in the words ‘about’, ‘your’ and, ‘new’. In translation above that the translation is not completely as in the lexicalmeaning, there are a modulation and an omission in the transition. In the translation, there are technical devices to transfer the meaning of a text in one language into a text in another language; they involve essentially adding, subtracting, adapting, and eliminating, it is called the transformation in the translation. A modulation and omission is one-of them. Such kind analyze that the writer will tries to analyze. The reason of the writer chose this theme, because this theme is interesting to be discussed.
The problem will be discussed deeply are:
1. What kind of the improperness translation is there in translation’s owner’s guide of SAMSUNG SGH-X620?
2. What are the sentences that contain borrowing, modulation, omission, and adaptations in translation’s owner’s guide of SAMSUNG SGH-X620?
Goal of this research is to know how the transformation is used in the translation of the owner’s guide of SAMSUNG SGH-X620.
There are two functions of the research, such as:
1. To know kind of the improperness translation in owner’s guide of SAMSUNG SGH-X620.
2. To know sentences use to borrow, modulate, omit, and adapt in translation’s owner’s guide of SAMSUNG SGH-X620.
Translation is an activity of enormous importance in the modern world and it is a subject of interest not only to linguistics, professional and amateur translators and language-teachers, but also to electronic engineers and mathematicians. According to Catford, “the translation is an operation performed on languages: a process of substituting a text in one language for a text in another” (1964:1).
In the translation may be defined as follow: “the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL)” (Catford, 1964:20). By the way, the steps of the translation process are: tuning by this mean getting the feel of the text to be translated, analysis once the translator has attuned his mind to the framework of the text to be translated, understanding after having split up the sentence to be translated into its elements, terminology to consider the key words and phrases in the sentence to make sure that a part from understanding them and feeling what they imply, restructuring when all the bricks needed for the edifice of the target-language text have been gathered or made, checking the translator will doubtless check his draft translation for typing errors and passages when a second perusal suggest a more elegant, or more correct, discussion for this reason, a good way to end the translation process is often with a discussion between the translator and the expert on the subject matter (Widyamartaya, 1993:41). In this case the writer will analyze the owner’s guide of SAMSUNG SGH-X620, in this research only discusses the sentence which according to the writer digress from the translation procedures.
There are many factors that caused the improperness in the translation procedures that will be discussed are borrowing, modulation, omission, and adaptation. For example:
The writer found the English sentence: its integrated digital music player, recorder and stereo FM radio lets you listen to music on the go. It is translated into bahasa Indonesia: Pemutar musik, perekam dan radio FM stereo yang terintegrasi di dalamnya akan membuat anda terbuai oleh musik yang sedang popular.
There are modulations in ‘yang sedang populer’ from ‘on the go-sedang berlangsung’ become ‘on the go-yang sedang populer’ in the translation above. Such modulation ‘on the go-sedang berlangsung’ (John M Echols, Hasan Shadily, 1996:404) become ‘on the go-yang sedang populer’. In the translation, that modulation is not effective. It must be translated into setiap saat’. The reason is the consumers can hear the music any time they want to hear from radio, digital music player, and recorder that are available. In the sentence, there is also have borrowing words in word ‘radio’, FM, and stereo.
The analysis in the translation of owner’s guide of SAMSUNG SGA-X620, on page it the writer found such transformation.
From English: Your SAMSUNG menu map-translated into bahasa Indonesia: peta menu SAMSUNG.
There is an omission of word ‘your’ in the translation above.
From English: Lets us help you learn about your new SAMSUNG phone-translated into bahasa Indonesia: Perkenankan kami membantu anda mempelajari telepon SAMSUNG.S
There are omission of word ‘your’, about‘, and ‘new’. Although, there are omission, the text in the target language or in this case in bahasa Indonesia creates a similar meaning such as in the source language text.
On the page iii, the writer found some transformation:
From English: Last call duration-translated into bahasa Indonesia: Lama panggilan terakhir.
There is a modulation in word ‘lama’ from word ‘duration-durasi’ become ‘durasi-lama’ in the translation.
1. Method
The writer uses descriptive method that is qualitatively in doing this research. The writing technique of this research is using the guidance of Moleong (2006).
3. Data
Data improperness of translation and its theory also sentences that are used in borrowing, modulation, omission, and adpting of owner’s guide of SAMSUNG SGH-X620. the data are taken only from owner’s guide of SAMSUNG SGH-X620.
1. Data Source
The resorce of data is divided into two are: primary resource it is the owner’s guide of SAMSUNG SGH-X620, and secondary resource are the translation books, internet article, bookstore, and other references that explain the translation theories proper to use in this research.
4. Technique of collecting data
The writer collects the data from the owner’s guide of SAMSUNG SGH-X620, books, internet article, bookstores, or borrowing from friends, and other references that explain the translation theories improperness to use in this research.
5. Steps of analysis
This research will go through the step bellow:
1. Determining
The data are determined, what to borrow, modulate, omit, and adapt in translation of owner’s guide of SAMSUNG SGH-X620.
2. Explanting
The determined data are explanted according to the proper theories that have been decided in each problem. They are; definition of translation, kinds of translation, the process of translation, the principle of translation.
3. Analyzing
After finding the material, the writer analyses the material by classifying the suitable source into an outline. After that, the writing is begun. The writer puts the material or the reference data that have been collected in the research as the theoretical framework in 9.
This research is divided into four chapters:
Chapter I: Introduction
It consists of introduction, consisting of background of study, statement of problem, purpose and significance of research, conceptual framework, and procedural of research and organization of writing.
Chapter II: Theoretical Framework.
In this chapter, the writer explains about the theory that is used by the writer by quoting the statement and theory of some experts. The theory consists of, definition of translation, kinds of translation, the process of translation and the principle of translation.
Chapter III: The Discussion of the Result of the Research
In this chapter, the writers discussed the result of the research.
Chapter IV: Conclusion and Suggestions
In this chapter, the writer tries to make a conclusion from the previous chapters.
Label: kumpulan makalah
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